The Challenge Machinery angle chase was invented so type could be set and then printed on an angle. Angle chases are hard to find, but both Ingrid and Lynne were fortunate to rescue theirs from the inevitable print shop liquidation scrap heap and bring them to their respective studios. After working with the angle chases for some time (Ingrid wanted to scale up the printing area, Lynne's chase was damaged and working with it was frustrating), Ingrid found a colleague to fabricate a larger chase. Along with the wider line width (50 pc instead of 35 pc), the design has been improved as well.There are still four corner pieces, but the rotating circular element is now a single piece of metal. The artists will each share current work created with their respective angle chases.
Ingrid Ankerson
The Angle Chase: Turning Type Into Art
Ingrid Ankerson is an educator, graphic designer, illustrator, maker, and letterpress printer in southeast Michigan. With an undergraduate degree in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and a graduate degree in Creative Writing and Publishing Arts from the University of Baltimore, she has worked as a web and print designer, writer, editor, and instructor since the early days of the internet. She has been a full-time graphic design faculty at Washtenaw Community College since 2012.