

The scholarship application period will open on July 9, 2025 and applications will be accepted through September 15, 2025. Applicants will be notified of their application's status by the following week. 

Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum is proud to offer scholarships to attend its annual Wayzgoose conference. Scholarships will be awarded in three categories: Academic Merit, Manitowoc-Two Rivers Community and General Financial Assistance. You can learn more about these categories below. 

Scholarships cover each recipient’s conference fee to attend this year’s Wayzgoose, November 7-9, 2025. Workshops are optional and not included in the scholarship. 

Interested in donating? Donations for Wayzgoose Scholarships are accepted at any time. Donate here >>

Scholarship recipients will be required to attend a pre-conference call, complete a post-conference survey, and either submit a blog post after the conference or participate as a Social Media Ambassador during the event. 

Academic Merit Scholarship


  • Applicants must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree.
  • Applicants must be attending, planning to attend in the Fall 2024/Spring 2025, or graduated within the last year from an accredited college.

Financial Assistance Scholarship

    The Financial Assistance Scholarship is to provide financial assistance toward the conference registration fee to those wishing to attend Wayzgoose who would otherwise be unable to attend because of present financial hardship.

      Community Scholarship


      • Must live in Manitowoc County.

      Scholarship Recipients Will Be Required To: 

      • Scholarship recipients will be required to attend a pre-conference call, complete a post-conference survey and either submit a blog post after the conference or participate as a Social Media Ambassador during the event. 


      • Blog posts can be about anything Goose related! Maybe you want to write about a workshop you participated in, record an interview with another conference attendee, summarize one of the breakout sessions… The possibilities are endless!
      • Blog posts should be around 600 words and include 3-5 photographs. Blog posts will be due by December 31, 2024.


      • Social Media Ambassadors will be asked to be active on social media during the conference. This can include live-tweeting sessions, posting daily on Instagram and Facebook using the conference hashtag, and interacting with the museum and other attendees on all platforms.