See wood type being produced on the museum’s pantographs. Learn about the entire process of making wood type, from half round to finished piece. Brought back to life by industrial archeologist Daniel Schneider, our border stamping machine is truly unique, and will be in action for your viewing pleasure.
George Liesch
Workshop Instructor
Wood Type Production
George Liesch
Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum
George, Master Typecutter, has been tooling around the wood shop at HWTM for well over 10 years now. She started learning about the process of making Hamilton wood type from her dad, Norb Brylski, and continued her study of the finer points of pantograph operation under the tutelage of Mardell Doubek - Hamilton’s last pantograph operator. She has since trained her replacement, Jen Anne, in not only how to run the pantograph but in every aspect of Hamilton wood type production. She is now fairly confident that the wood shop at HWTM will live to see another day!