Hurrah for wood and its many roles at Hamilton!

World Wood Day, observed on March 21, coincides with the International Day of Forests and the spring equinox. Here at Hamilton, we have extra reasons to recognize the key role that wood plays in a sustainable world while promoting its responsible use.

Beginning with the original Hamilton Manufacturing slogan “Wood Goods, Good Woods” and continuing through to today, our appreciation of wood runs strong! Wood is at the heart of letterpress printing and is THE heart of the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum.

Some of the museum holdings brought to you courtesy of wood: 
Maple half-rounds and shellack drying racks for type cutting and border stamping...

Type cutting patterns and their drawers...

Type cabinets/cases, reglets, line gauges...

Vintage and new wood type... 

Vintage circus blocks...

And the furniture and shelving to keep everything neatly stored...

... it's all made of, and made possible by, wood. 

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