Meet a Volunteer: Bob Mueller

The museum is known and loved worldwide for its fabulous collections, hands-on studios and workshops, exceptional events, and stunning printmaking. But the day to day running of the museum - the giving of tours, manning of the front desk, housekeeping, and other mundane but necessary tasks - could not happen without a group of dedicated volunteers. This post is part of a series of blog posts highlighting those volunteers, the unsung heroes, that help make the museum the magical place it has become.

Name: Bob Mueller        

The day I knew I wanted to become a Hamilton volunteer: It wasn’t one particular day that inspired me - just the fact that I liked working for the company. I wanted to extend the ability to see the progress throughout the company. Let people know what really was here in Two Rivers!

Number of years I’ve been at it: 22 years, interrupted by 2 years (2003-2005) of rejoining the workforce at Hamilton after I retired.

Favorite project: Being a docent.

Little known fact about me: During my second tour of duty I was assigned to the US Amphibious Base in Coronado, California where I was delegated as an instructor for Naval Gunfire Support (NGS). After classroom activities, we would have to go out to San Clemente Island to grade proficiency of the ship. This was a daytime exercise and at night we did nighttime exercises. Marines were assigned to make meals for us and while we were at dinner one evening, suddenly someone walked into the messroom (this is an island owned by the government, no civilians are allowed on it). “Where did you come from?” I asked. He pointed up to the sky… He was looking for Catalina Island, but it was so foggy the only “land he found” was us – a naval ship.  He landed his Piper Cub plane in the top part of the Bombardment area. So, I immediately called the officer of the island, who said “You can’t have the exercise tonight then. We will come out in the morning and see what we can do.” The next morning, he came out and went to the area where the plane had landed, it was just a tract with rocks on it and we cleared a couple rocks out of the way and the Air Force officer told the pilot to “pick up speed upon departure and swing to the right where the wind is coming from and you’ll get airborne.” But instead of turning right the pilot disappeared from sight. He was going down. Apparently, he wanted to get more speed before turning right and into the wind.


Proudest moment: When I gave a good tour and people were asking questions.

When not volunteering: I like to read political stuff – any reading, but right now political stuff has me going. Babysitting with the grandkids, though COVID has changed that.

A poster I would like to see printed will feature: Something that has to do with advertising what you can learn at the Hamilton Wood Type Museum.

Growing up, I wanted to be: A dentist. I didn’t become one. The second year of college, organic chemistry was my downfall. At least I have a son who is a dentist. He took my place. The rascal!  : )

Now I look forward to: Staying healthy as long as I can.



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