At our 2017 Wayzgoose Brian and Kim French discussed the legacy of French Paper Co. with Jim and Bill Moran. Kim and Brian French are a sibling duo that make up the 6th generation of the 145 year old French Paper Company. Growing up a block away from the French Paper mill in Niles, MI they have had pulp in their veins and dye on their clothes since birth. Their focus is helping designers and printers make their projects a reality with quality stock. Passionate paper nerds, they are always ready to talk about anything design, ink, or paper related.
It's unusual to still find a 6th-generation company whose name matches the people running it. French Paper Company has been manufacturing paper for more than 140 years in the same community of Niles, Michigan. In an industry known for corporate acquisitions and shutdowns, French Paper has persevered, emerging as one of the strongest, smartest, and most consistent paper brands around. Remaining as one of the last, small, independent mills in America, French Paper has learned to take their direction from customers, not corporate consultants. They keep their eye on the bottom line by improving their product lines, and when they talk about stock, they mean papers, not shareholder value. Brian and Kim will be chatting with Jim and Bill Moran about French Paper Company's long history and the colorful clientele they serve.