David Wolske
On Display: September 5 through October 28, 2015
Gallery Reception: Saturday, October 24th 4 - 6 pm
Join us Saturday, October 24th from 4-6 pm for a gallery reception at the museum. Come see the stunning work and speak with the artist.
Artist Statement
Much of my artistic output explores the potential of letterpress printing as a medium for creative, non-commercial printmaking. I attempt to create abstract compositions that honor the history of wood type while striving to evolve and extend its visual vocabulary. Often over the past decade, this has been achieved through a process of addition, printing layer upon layer until the rectilinear nature of the process is concealed.
In 2012 I began a series of subtractive experiments. I wanted to deconstruct letterforms and obscure recognition without compromising the integrity of moveable wood type as reusable modular objects. By combining my experience with cylinder proofing and iron hand presses with my knowledge of pressure printing and embossing, I developed a masking technique I call isotype printing. With this new method I subvert literal interpretation by isolating and layering the vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and curved components of typographical forms.
The prints—and the collages, which derive from proofs and makereadies—in this exhibition utilize only the letters W-O-R-D. I used the isotype process to take the letters apart and reassembled the particles into a visceral lexicon. My goal is to focus a spotlight on the formal properties of the letters and encourage more divergent and philosophical readings of the “WORD(s).”
Artist Bio
David Wolske received a BA in Studio Art from Marian University, Indianapolis, Indiana, and an MFA in Graphic Design from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. His work is exhibited and collected around the world. He regularly teaches typography, graphic design, letterpress printing, and book arts classes and workshops across the United States. David’s work reveals an affinity for handset wood and metal type, but also enthusiastically incorporates digital tools, computer software, and design thinking into a manual workflow that draws heavily on the traditions of letterpress and fine art printmaking.