Registration Policies

Your registration constitutes permission to use photos, audio and video recording taken of you at the event for promotional and educational purposes in connection with the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum conferences and activities, in corresponding publications, and on the Hamilton website.

Cancellation Policy

A full refund will be given for cancellations on or before October 1, 2021. No refunds will be available after October 1, 2021.

Registration Confirmation & Updates

You will receive your registration confirmation by e-mail. You may also receive Wayzgoose updates by email, which may include updates using the e-mail site Mail Chimp. Please ensure that your personal valid email is entered correctly on the registration form. Be sure to check your junk email box in case any of your Wayzgoose emails are caught by spam filters.

Schedules, speakers, and program content are subject to change. If you have any questions, please contact us.