The Summer of Mobile Moveable Type is coming to Hamilton!
Sarah and Rosemary (the S & R of S.R. Kissler) are former college dorm roomates, housemates, artists, creators, lovers of letterpress, and now, business owners. They bought a little tabletop letterpress in the summer of 2020, and turned it into the perfect quarantine project. They've restored the press to full functionality from what was essentially a hunk of rusty metal. They sold art along the way to buy ink, new press parts and a few new typefaces. Now that the press is up and running, there is nothing stopping them. To celebrate they are taking their little press on a cross-country road trip and on August 7 they will be printing at Hamilton in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. You are invited to stop by and make a print. Free and no sign up necessary!
Follow along with their trip on their Instagram.
The traveling printmakers of S.R. Kissler Press
A one of a kind mobile letterpress studio will be printing one of a kind postcards, come check it out!
Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, 1816 10th Street, Two Rivers, WI, 54241
Saturday, August 7, 10am-1pm CDT