Katie Ries

Co-Presenter with Stephanie Carpenter and Berel Lutsky

Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum has been a sponsor/collaborator for Really Big Prints! since the beginnging in 2014. Now the museum will be our “home” as they hosted this year’s event and have provided a home for the archive. RBP! has been a biennial fixture at the Hamilton Wayzgoose since 2014. This year’s collaborators, Berel Lutsky, Katie Ries, and Stephanie Carpenter will speak about the origin story of RBP! (which includes a story about small amputation with a happy ending), and the ins and outs of creating the collaboration necessary for a communal printmaking event.

Katie Ries

Katie Ries (b. 1981) is an artist and educator who makes drawings, prints, objects, and events about the relationships between people and place. A graduate of the University of Tennessee – Knoxville (MFA) and Colorado College (BA), she is an Associate Professor of Art at St. Norbert College. Her art can be found in private and public collections throughout the US.

