Last Hamilton Hurrah Before the Big Move

Saturday Dec. 29, 2012 All Day

Please join us Saturday, December 29th from 10 am to 5 pm to say farewell to the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum's first location in an original Hamilton building that dates from 1926. While it is always hard to say goodbye we will be celebrating the history of the company and the future of the museum in a new Two Rivers location. The museum will close at the 1619 Jefferson Street location after this date. So this is your LAST CHANCE to see the museum in its original location. We will reopen in 2013 at our new location. (Yet to be announced!)

Since we are devoted to being a living, breathing museum it wouldn't be an open house without getting to pull your own print from historic Two Rivers blocks. Staff will assist you in printing a Hamilton themed broadside that you can take home that day. Join us for live printing demonstrations, wood type being cut on the pantograph, and guided tours. Interesting displays for the entire family. Free and open to the public.

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